
Almost all added elements in a WebMap object, including circles, lines, networks and polygons accept a style parameter in the form of a dictionary, which defines aesthetic items common to all added elements. Note that, when defined, keywords defined in this parameter override those in the color and size parameters. After creating the map object:

import oneworld as ow
mymap = ow.WebMap(center = [39,-96.8], zoom = 4)

We can add some circles and define their basic style along with a variable color:

df = ow.load_dataset('conferences')
mymap.add_circles(latitude = 'Lat', longitude = 'Long', data = df,
                  color = 'Conference', constant_size = True,
                  style = {'color': '#636363', 'fillOpacity': 1.0})

For a full list of customizable aesthetic variables, please see the leaflet styles. All these added elements can also change the style when the mouse is hovered above each one of them, using the style_mouseover parameter:

df = ow.load_dataset("farms")
mymap.add_choropleth(json_file = "us_states.json", json_key = "GEOID",
                     geoid = "FIPS", color = "Region", data = df,
                     style = {'weight': 1, 'color' : '#636363',
                              'fillOpacity': 0.6},
                     style_mouseover = {'weight': 5, 'color': '#000000',
                                        'fillColor': '#bdbdbd',
                                        'fillOpacity': 1})

When the mouse is hovered over an element, its style changes to that defined in style_mouseover. When the mouse moves away from the element, its style changes back to that specified in the style parameter (and the color and size parameters if defined):

When adding networks, you can also define the styles of the neighboring nodes of the node that is being hovered, as well as the connecting edges, using the connect_mouseover parameter. If used, connect_mouseover must be a list or a tuple, the first element of which must be the style of the neighboring nodes, and the second must be the style of the connecting edges:

df = ow.load_dataset("conferences")
mymap.add_network(latitude = 'Lat', longitude = 'Long', node_data = df,
                  group_connect = 'Conference',
                  edge_kwargs = {'style': {'weight': 0}},
                  node_kwargs = {'style_mouseover': {'color': '#636363'},
                                 'constant_size': True},
                  connect_mouseover = [{'color': '#636363'}, {'weight': 3}])

See also

leaflet styles