
Welcome to OneWorld, a python mapping library intended to make plotting maps with python easy and accessible to everyone. It combines the mapping power of cartopy with the versatility of leaflet and the aesthetics and input structure of seaborn to create both static and interactive maps.

Static Map

OneWorld accepts data inputs as sequences (lists or tuples) or pandas dataframes, much in the same way as seaborn does. If you have used seaborn before, you already know how inputs work in OneWorld.


The best way to install OneWorld is through the conda-forge conda channel:

` $ conda install -c conda-forge oneworld `

You can also install OneWorld through pip, provided you satisfy the requirements listed below:

` $ pip install oneworld `

You’ll need the following packages to install OneWorld through pip:

You can find the source code in Bitbucket


The full documentation packaged with OneWorld can be found under docs/build/html/index.html. It can also be found in Read the Docs at It includes an introduction, tutorials and API reference.


This software is distributed under a MIT license.